Flexovit & Dynamic Sales

Flexovit's newest line of specialized railway abrasives

Cutoff and Grinding Wheels

Flexovit has engineered abrasive products specifically for use on tough rail track maintenance applications. Three grades of cutoff wheels are designed to cut fast and clean on all types and weights of rail, new or head hardened. A variety of rail grinding wheels were designed to remove weld beads and grind the head lateral edge and web surfaces of track when reprofiling.

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RailRazor ZA30QB – Introducing Flexovit’s newest formulation, made with enhanced premium zirconia abrasive grain, delivers the fastest, straightest, chatter free cuts along with minimal burning and extra-long life on all types and weights of rail and on both hydraulic and direct drive gas rail saws.


RailFlexon ZA30PB – Flexovit’s most popular formulation, made with premium zirconia abrasive grain, offers fast cuts and long life on all types and weights of rail.


RailSpecialist A30PB – Flexovit’s most economical formulation, made with multi-purpose aluminum oxide abrasive grain, yields burn-free, straight, fast cuts on all sizes of rail track.

Rail Grinding Wheels

These rail grinding wheels were designed with safety and performance in mind.

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Abrasive Products for Rail Track Maintenance & Repair

This is Flexovit!!

The mission of Flexovit is to be the most valued supplier of industrial abrasive products to customers that require the highest levels of product quality, service and expertise.